Who is the walking talking horse at the Meadows? Why, it’s Lexi Twaddle! That’s right, as the MSOA mascot, Lexi’s job is to entertain, build relationships and encourage fans to enjoy a fun, positive experience.
Lexi Twaddle was awarded the John and Janet Klark Scholarship. She plans to major in Biology at Walsh University with the intentions of pursuing a career as a Physician’s Assistant or a perfusionist.

Lexi says she is a people person who believes in putting others before herself. Every Sunday when her family goes out to breakfast after church, she pays for a stranger’s meal knowing that small things can make a community a little happier.
Since Lexi’s dad stables and races at the Meadows, the family is part of Pastor Joe’s community and sometimes host events at their home. This was a big help during the pandemic.
Lexi says, “I’m passionate about my work as a hostess at a restaurant. I always make sure all my jobs are done and none of my coworkers are struggling. A few months ago, there was a really bad snowstorm where I live. I had an elderly couple call and tell me they had to cancel their 50th wedding anniversary date because they couldn’t shovel their driveway. I immediately broke into tears and knew I had to help them. I wasn’t able to leave work, but I sent a few of my friends over to clear their driveway and they were able to celebrate their anniversary with us.”
Above all, family and faith are the most important things to me. When I lost my grandmother and aunt within two weeks, I realized how valuable time is with those I love and everyone in general. Though most of my relatives live five hours away, I’ve learned that a simple text or call makes all the difference.
I’ve never been closer to God. Someone once told me that though an airplane looks small in the sky, the closer you get to it, the bigger it becomes. Same thing with a relationship with God. The closer you are, the bigger impact he will have on your life. I truly believe God changes everything and that he has a plan for everyone.”
Lexi, we wish you the best in college and especially as you grow in your relationship with God.