Parker Steck was awarded a CHHA Scholarship to continue her studies in Nursing at Ashland University.

Parker Steck and her parents, Ron and Kila Steck, can be found Jug week in their barn, the paddock or around the corner in their home on wheels at the fairgrounds. Parker and her brothers grew up helping around the barn. When she is not at school, Parker grooms her horse, McWiz, and a few of the other horses in the barn. She says in her essay, “This business has given me a work ethic, drive, and passion that I can take with me anywhere. I’m glad I found my passion at such a young age, and am glad that I was given the opportunity to love something as much as I have doing this. This is something that I will keep close to my heart forever, and I will forever be blessed to be a part of this business.
While she is at school, Parker attend Ashland College’s church. She wrote, “One thing I learned since being in school is you do not have to be going through something hard to talk to God. Praying does not only happen at night. I learned that some of the best times to talk to God is driving home from school, during a test, or simply when you feel stressed.”
This past year of school has been particularly difficult for Parker. However, she says, “My faith has gotten me through it. Even in the times I wanted to quit, I knew I wasn’t alone and that He would carry me.”
When her faith has been shaken, she knew, “Jesus is always there and sometimes, I simply don’t get to understand why things happen to us. Jesus keeps me going and how lucky am I to have a God so forgiving, kind and present? Very lucky.”